don't let the smell stop you

Saturday, September 13, 2003

rancid - la bamba (cover)

i've been listening to that ^ song on repeat for a little bit now, and i finally got sick of not understanding it and went to find the lyrics. so here they are, if you've ever wondered!

Para bailar la bamba
Para bailar la bamba se necesita una poca de gracia
Una poca de gracia pa mi pa ti
Ay y arriba y arriba
Y arriba y arriba
Por ti sere, por ti sere
Yo no soy marinero
Yo no soy marinero, soy capitan
Soy capitan, soy capitan

so far the best translation i can get is something like: in order to dance bamba, a little grace is needed, up and up, and up and up, because of you i'm not sailor, i'm captain. so yeah... i like the spanish version.

hot water music - at the end of a gun

i don't really remember my mom waking me up at 7, but i know it happened. because i woke up a couple minutes later knowing i had to get up, mom said so. around 8, i drove to the dol with my dad, drove home to get my driver's ed certificate, then back to the dol to take my written test. i passed! 23 of 25. my driver's test is schedule for the 27th, bright and early at 8:20 am. he figured i still needed more practice, so we drove all over federal way, through neighborhoods and along streets and down by the water and to the farmlands me, steph, and brandon got lost in. we ate breakfast at a mcdonald's along pac highway, then came home. i haven't left the house since, unless going out to clean up the backyard counts. i read a book, which wasn't bad but still, i wish i could've done something a little more... active? sociable? alan invited me to a little 10 or so-person get-together tonight, but of course, i'm busy. babysitting. hurrah! now, i know it's perfectly okay to spend a day at home, by yourself. i actually like having days like that every now and then. but i can't help feel like a loser when i want to do something, but can't find anything.
i really need to get over my dislike of using the phone to call people. it's really inconvenient.

Friday, September 12, 2003

autopilot off - long way to fall

oh yeah. this is going to be one rollercoaster year. today was great, terrific.... ran on adrenaline all day... so when we go and watch this movie, matchstick men, i'm in tears over every small sad part of the movie. i just feel so sorry for this guy, i feel it when his world is falling apart. and when we're walking over to marie calendar's, i'm talking to my mom and, just like that day after work, i burst into tears. this stress! it's horrible! then brent and i go to safeway, and the entire time, i'm in tears walking the aisles getting groceries with him. i've noticed that. when i'm happy, i'm really happy. when i'm not, i'm really not. all my emotions are to the extremes, and they bounce around like crazy. but yeah... it was good, because we talked, and he made me feel a lot better about how things are going, how they're going to go. it's nice. i think i'll make it through. i also think i'm going to put in a two week's notice at the aquatic center.

Thursday, September 11, 2003

autopilot off - pills and smoke

ohhh, let's see... not much to say about anything today. i feel like playing in the rain. putting on some big boots and going splashing around in the puddles. i want to find a big patch of mud and squish around in it. i want to go puddle jumping! unfortunately, there aren't any big fields of water-logged grass nearby, or construction... wait... there is a construction site nearby! i just don't feel like walking that far to play in the mud. my feet hurt.

Wednesday, September 10, 2003

finch - stay with me

even though today's not over, it was still really, really good. i went to the drama meeting after school... kinda lame, but i'll give it a shot, i guess. donovan gave me a ride home, he's wonderful. when i got home, brent and my dad were there! while i was trying to make myself look pretty really quick before i left again, brent came in and started talking to me. and he said some really nice things that made me forget completely about trying to look good. it was like, "don't worry, when people see you they don't think 'oh, it's chelsea, let's walk away'. it's more like, 'oh look, it's chelsea, let's go talk to her!'" and he just... oh i dunno, he just made me feel really good about myself. i'm going to miss him.
so yeah, i left and met up with jeff. =) he stole some balloons from the apartments and we inhaled helium and stuff. i went to the bank, and we got that 10 tacos/burritos deal thing from taco bell. we gave our extra burritos 'n tacos to a homeless dude. i got some pictures, and we wandered around fred meyer, and then walked back to my house 'n passed out on my bed for maybe 15 minutes before he had to leave. it was... well okay obviously that wasn't a real detailed description. but it was great fun! and i loved every minute of it.

Tuesday, September 09, 2003

hot rod circuit - knees

my knee's been bothering me since yesterday. she says to wait 5 days, and if it's still bothering me, go to the doctor. i want a check-up anyway, so that's fine.
an emotional rollercoaster, she called it. it's surprising how often my mom's right.
the morning started out great. i don't really remember many specifics. it was just a good ol' day at school. i like marketing. i like anatomy. (i don't like ap english.) i took the bus home with brandon, since i had to work after school. it got me close enough to walk, and i had fun. i'd forgotten what it's like to ride a school bus, and i kind of miss it now. oh well, i'll be getting my chance, since i have to work every tuesday and thursday for the next 3 weeks. hopefully brandon will get his car the next times, though, so i can sit down for at least 15 minutes.
work was miserable. i mean, there was nothing wrong with it. it's just hard work. not much thinking, though, and i appreciate that.
i was so tired. i think i've been running on adrenaline all day. trying to walk home killed me. it was taking forever, i thought i was going to fall over on my feet... and wonderful, terrific rai drove by and stopped and gave me a ride home. she told me herself, i looked like i was going to die, climbing oh-so-slowly up that hill... i thanked her ten million times, not to be obsessive or anything. i was just that tired, and that appreciative.
i didn't realize just how tired i was, though, until i walked in the front door. i saw my dog and all i could think was, "i'm home." and my mom came over to talk to me and see how my day went, and i burst into tears. she was wonderful. she just came up and gave me a big hug and let me cry into her shoulder, telling me she understood how i felt and all that. it's just... everything's been so stressful. only 4 days of school and i feel like it's too much, like i can't handle it all. i was trying to explain it to her, so she sat down with me and we talked. she reasoned with me and was just nice and patient and helped me out. told me to eat dinner (i'd been so hungry at work, and walking home, but once i got in the door i just didn't want to eat anything.) she went through my homework with me and made it sound so reasonable, just an hour of this, an hour of that, and it was still only 6:30. then she sent me to sleep for an hour, which probably would've been nice if it had worked. but 30 minutes later i gave up and just got up, started doing homework. i've kind of given up right now, but i'll probably hit the textbooks again before i go to bed. but just.. i love her. i really do. i don't think i've ever felt more in debt to her than i do right now.
so now, i'm feeling a little better, a little more rational. i think i'm going to make it, as long as i can get some sleep. also, my dad and brent are coming home tomorrow night, since it's pretty much been raining their entire trip. and monday, since we don't have any school, i might take my driver's test! but first, i have to pass the written on saturday. so... maybe!

Monday, September 08, 2003

fenix tx - tear jerker

heya kids! oh wow, today was great, really. here's the rundown! with it just being me and my mom all alone in the house again, things are running much smoother. we get along great, laugh and giggle and just.. have fun in the all-girl house. this morning i drove us to school and she took the car away to work. still fun, though, getting up in the cold morning and getting ready and just.. yeah. at school, it kinda sucked until third period, weight training! i've been looking forward to getting up off my ass all summer, and it was everything i was hoping. i got that burst of energy i always get, and it just felt great! so i lifted weights and ran and after, i wanted to die. well not really, but i was so exhausted... and it was amazingly cool. i just kinda dropped my stuff and crashed against a wall, and barely got up the rest of lunch. but people came to us! it was mostly me, liz, and donovan, but jeff came over later 'n we had a buncha people stop by to chat. and it.. it was wonderful, i don't know how to describe it.
after lunch i went to history, and jon was waiting for me. now don't get me wrong, i love the boy. but he's gotten really clingy since i started dating jeff and i don't like it very much. jeff's the one i want hugging me and walking around with his arms around me.. not jon. jon was talking about how liz is trying to convince him to go out with rai. and he was saying, he likes her a lot and all, but he just doesn't like her in that way, that it's not something he wants to try at all. and i was like, yeah jon, i know exactly how you feel... HINT HINT. oh well. i'll talk to him about it if it gets worse.
after school jeff came over, ooh la la! haha. it was great. we sat in a little corner in the den and talked, watched tv, just had fun.. i made a pizza and as i was taking it out of the oven, same way i always do it... it fell off and landed face down on the ground. so i dusted it off, put some pre-shredded cheese on top and it was good to go! so eventually we started bitching about weight training and how tired we were and such, so we went up to my room to take a nap. and yeah! we looked at the clock two hours later and we were like, oh wow, how'd that happen? and just... yeah. i like jeff. i really really like him. i was telling chris earlier, how all that shit from last year still hurts when i'm around certain people. but jeff makes me feel better. he doesn't even know, but just being around him makes me forget and just be happy with the way things worked out.

Sunday, September 07, 2003

mxpx - oh donna

i spent another wonderful night out over with my kids, jj and isaac. i got to spend lots of time playing with them, too! they're just... adorable, really. jj's great 'cause he's talking a lot now, i can actually understand what's going on. aw... so cute... not really enough words to describe little kids, i guess.
it's finally started! i'm so excited! i didn't have the balls to go out in it last night, but when it started tonight i was just like, screw it, i'm not missing this! and i ran out the back door (the kids were asleep so no worries) and just stood out in the rain for maybe a minute at most, got completely soaked, and went back inside happier than i've been in a while.
tuey came over for like a half hour today, it felt good to see her again. i knew it'd be weird not going to school with her, but i didn't realize how weird until i saw her again and was like, damn, that's right. had a good time catching up with her.
but yeah, other than that, today's been really uneventful. except! jeff dyed his hair black! so now i really want it to be tomorrow so i can see it.