don't let the smell stop you

Saturday, May 15, 2004

desaparecidos - greater omaha

ohhh what a disappointment tonight ended up being. i was hoping for something even slightly exciting and/or interesting. it officially ended between mine and tuey's cars, standing in the street watching some bastard speed off in his truck. the night just died and it was like, "okay... bye."
i have to say, though, that my hands smell really pretty and i enjoyed tearing down the wallpaper. i wish there'd been more to do. paint or something. i'm thinking about tearing down my posters but i don't have the energy for that tonight.
i wish this could be more like last night. last night was one of the better events of the year. running through safeway chasing luke with the shopping cart, building a barricade out of boxes in the aisle. watching brandon and luke duke it out with boxing gloves from on top of the freezer. being sneaky and not having to help clean afterward. it was cool. too bad i don't remember much besides that.
one good point: i got a no parking sign! stole it from work. also, i like working hours on end. as long as it's with the non-irritating people.

Thursday, May 13, 2004

no doubt - sixteen

for the last week, driving around has been making me really happy. just running errands or going to work or anything small and simple puts a gigantic smile in my head. it's because of the cottonwood trees. all the little puffs of cotton flying around, zooming at the window like the flakes during that giant dump of snow we had this winter, only to float away at the last minute to avoid actually hitting my car. since i leave my window open, the air is always rushing around my car. every time i come up on a clump of them i forget there's a windshield and wince, squint my eyes, expecting them to hit me in the face. i love it.
crashed at tuey's for a short while and tried to watch annie. i have no patience for things these days, though, and almost fell asleep. so i left before i passed out on her bed for 5 hours. of course, once i got home i was wide awake.

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

stone temple pilots - still remains

you... oh i wish you could hear this. tuey's bitching about this one time really long ago when her mom made her get a mary kay makeover. she was distraught. she hates makeup so much.
i ache all over. and i ate a whole pizza all by myself while watching law and order. after, i felt pregnant. i wrapped the blanket around me so no one would see, and quietly downed a bottle of water to help speed up the disgestion. remind me never to eat a whole pizza again. stick with lean cuisines.
my mother started sponging fabric softener on the walls today. i got angry with her for taking my job. this weekend is going to be great! get up early, peel wallpaper, work, run, sleep and do it all over again. no parents! and maybe i can convince scott to stay in seattle... hmm...
speaking of scott, he's buying me the first season friends dvds! i am on my way to owning them all. and everyone else - birthday on the 23rd! give me cool stuff!
so i am deadly tired now. i'm going to bed. school tomorrow, since my mother's response to the bomb threat is "if it actually happens, i'll miss you."

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

pete yorn - strange condition

i am seriously addicted to pete yorn. his voice caresses all the tension from the day and smooths out the kinks in my head. all i can do is sit back and smile and listen.
so today was a pretty big day as far as busy-ish events went. drove rory to his house, cleaned the kitchen at home, went to work, ran to tuey's for her sister's headphones, went to the gym, went back to tuey's to return the sister's headphones, then got home in time to watch gilmore girls with the mom. then i've figured out my work schedule (i can add 10 more hours to my schedule before getting too close to going over 70) and shoved all my dirty clothes littering the floor to the laundry.
the gym is beautiful. i think the money would be worth it. the treadmill is just plain great, and i suppose eventually i might even move on to the machines. as it is, i just love running and then hitting up the sauna, and then the scented soap dispensers in the showers just made my day.
today was a good day for my running thing. i shaved a minute off my mile from earlier this year, then ran 3 on the treadmill. jamie got to the gym just as i was getting ready to leave, but her friend was coming so i didn't feel bad about abandoning her.
i'm just a lonely boy in my youth.

Monday, May 10, 2004

mighty mighty bosstones - royal oil

oh, school. you silly thing, you. i've always forgotten school by the time i get to this point of the day. mostly i just remember jon booking it for my car as, once again, i was waiting at the stoplight. i'm surprised he stuck around school as long as he did (i was making up a test), but i'm glad that he did.
later in the day i went to tuey's, where we ran a whole bunch of errands for her mom. we were supposed to be doing homework, but it took forever just to get the regular stuff done. some guy with tommy's car was staring at us while we fought about who got to wash the windows.
you probably guessed this already. but i didn't get anything done.
when i came home my mom was sitting up waiting for me. it was sweet of her - showing concern about the safety and well-being of her kids. but also slightly disturbing, because it matched too eerily what i was thinking about to stephanie earlier. my parents don't care when scott fails to come home at night. she called me cell phone several times to see where i was (my phone was off. i wasn't ignoring her.) anyway, i guess i'll just have to wait and see how much credibility this dependancy theory will have.

Sunday, May 09, 2004

blekbala mujik - drangkinbala

the trip to the antique village shops wasn't so bad yesterday. i climbed into an old two-story bus and bought some beads and hemp - i've been making stuff ever since.
last night with jon and tobias was excellent. there should be more nights like that.
i know i had some really great dreams, but i don't remember them. my dad came in to wake me up for church - he stood there for about 5 minutes talking to me, with me responding so he'd go away, until my mom came by and bought me 15 more minutes of sleep. we went to applebee's for her mother's day meal. she seems happy.