don't let the smell stop you

Friday, September 10, 2004

deathcab for cutie - we laugh indoors

i got my first blister on my hand today! ugh. we had to run a mile, row another 6k, then run another mile with oars on our shoulders, then a half mile normal. then we got to do ab work. i mean, hey, it was nice. i'm going to be in awesome shape when this is done. but it's hard! but i love it.
oh hey, so i'm grounded for a nice long time. parents found out about tuey's thing last weekend - laura told them! oh well. i suppose they would've found out someday, right? so i just have to deal with it sooner than i thought i would.
and school... well, why should i be surprised? it's gotten off to a way better start than it did last year. but senior year, come on. why wouldn't it? it's been great so far, the whole 3 days i've been through. i like it.
then driving home from crew today, i found out just how much i can push my car into the yellow part of the gas guage. not very. i was talking to david on the phone and freaking out because i had no idea how much gas i had, and i needed at least a gallon. i made it to the 76 station at the top of the hill from the tideflats, and put 14.6 gallons into my 15 gallon tank. i never want to get that scared again in my life.
i am so dead tired right now.. i want to fall over and sleep until tomorrow afternoon. well, in a couple hours i'll get to. 'til then, work.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

led zeppelin - immigrant song

so today was the first day of the crazy mixed-up schedule i get to have all year long. it was great! i'm thinking, just to be masochistic, that i'll take the morning cooking class at OSC too. get more cooking experience and all that. meanwhile the break between school every other day is going to make my life a lot easier - i realized i get something like an hour and a half to just kick back at home, eat and maybe sleep before i have to be anywhere.
today i used my break to go to the post office and buy shampoo at fred meyer.
decatur's not too bad, considering the whole one class i had today. it seems small, but in a nice way.
ahhh and then we have crew! fantastic, man, and to think i'm paying them to try to kill me. we ran something like 3 miles because we couldn't go out on the water (let me think... 3/4 of a mile times 5... shit that's actually almost 4 miles!) and then we got to do lots of lunges and jumps and squats and lines and stuff. and then we did hovers... only they called them something else... oh it was great. when i left a couple of guys were laying in the middle of the floor doing ab workouts with a medicine ball. i love crew. i cannot wait until we have 2 practices a day in the spring.
so i figured out what i'll do with david this weekend! we have to make masks that express our personalities for school. so i'll do the decorating thing by myself, but how fun will it be to slather each other's faces with vaseline and cover them in strips of plaster?? yeah, that's right. we're going to make a mess of his apartment.

Monday, September 06, 2004

dropkick murphys - kiss me, i'm shitfaced

brent and i just sat out in my car listening to that song all the way through. as i was driving us back from denny's, i couldn't stop laughing about it - something about the way it's so horrible just makes it fantastic. i made him sit out with me and listen to the rest, and when it was over we climbed out of the buick laughing our butts off.
actually we had a pretty good night, even though we didn't get to play pool like i wanted to. we sat at denny's and had a nice long easy conversation, telling funny stories (such as how the fat lady got stuck in the swings at wild waves) and just..having a good time. look, it's about time for me to get depressed again! brent goes back to college in about 2 weeks... i don't know what i'm going to do without him! if i think about it, i'll probably be fine. i did okay without him last year. but i don't like the idea of him not being around for me to talk to. scott will never make the cut. i mean, even when brent comes into my room and bugs me while i'm doing something, he does it in this "look at me i'm adorable love me i'm the best!" type way that makes it impossible to get mad at him. ... i'm really going to miss brent. really. but hey! one more year and then we'll be on our own, together, away from the parents and in the best possible place to be constantly immature - college!
tuey got her car taken away. her parents really need to lighten up. but oh well. so now i get to finally pay her back for all the rides she gave me last year when i was car-less.
tomorrow is going to be funn! here's my list to do so i don't forget:
school. early. wake up early!! and find a black tank top.
cash checks so i have $$.
burien with brent - get directions from mother before she goes to work
work at 6:30. awesome! only 2 classes to teach, instead of 6!
go to bed BEFORE 3 am for once!
i get to hang out with david on saturday! maybe. but i might be working. actually i hope i'm working because i really need the hours now. gas money is going to add up very very fast, and i spent wayyy too much $$ this summer. i'm happy that i did, but i do kind of wish i hadn't eaten out so much. oh well. i'll save up during the year, maybe. i doubt it.

Sunday, September 05, 2004

rednex - cotton eye joe

the last couple days are a big blur... i'm only getting a few hours' sleep at night, but maybe tonight i'll be able to sleep longer? friday early i got up and drove to montesano to pick up elaina.. we sat around talking to kimbrough for a nice long chat, which was fun, then drove all around the area doing random stuff. watched garden state again - i really really like that movie. later we went down to sumner to elaina's cousin's house, played with their pitbull and looked around at the glorious white-trashyness. i left elaina and went to tuey's for a little, watched her, brandon, and renee play crazy 8's. then i drove back to tacoma, and watched the manchurian candidate with ryan. and hey, this was a trip! that movie is crazy. it's the 1962 version, and the whole time we're sitting there in stunned shock at how amazingly good (confusing and funny in a way that makes you wonder just why you're laughing.) the film broke at one point, so we sat around for about 20 minutes waiting for them to fix the film. we got free drinks and they played a trivia game for free napoleon dynamite posters (yeah, i won one.) at one point while i was driving home, all the lights on those giant hills in tacoma were green. so i skipped breaking and flew my buick down the hills. it was fantastic! i was laughing uncontrollably the whole time - much like the moment on the shopping cart, now that i think about it. i'm starting to notice the little moments again, see? anyway, it was great! i came home and crashed around 3, only to have my mom wake me up for home made pancakes at 8. they were really really good. and then we went out and got pedicures and manicures, and did lots of shopping and other fun things. i actually bought school clothes! and here i thought i wasn't going to do that this year. anyway, i also found out about this really neat store somewhere in burien with really cheap designer clothes (the sales lady at nordstrom's was telling my mom about it - it's her little side project, and she sends all her customers there when her manager isn't looking.) so i came home, took a nice nap, then headed over to tuey's for a night of drinking and debauchery. the whole atmosphere of the party was great. all the lights upstairs were out, we were talking in hushed voices (most of the time), everyone was happily drunk and friendly. luke and i didn't hate each other! haha. anyway, it was a highlight of the summer. a bunch of us slept on the trampoline.