don't let the smell stop you

Friday, September 12, 2003

autopilot off - long way to fall

oh yeah. this is going to be one rollercoaster year. today was great, terrific.... ran on adrenaline all day... so when we go and watch this movie, matchstick men, i'm in tears over every small sad part of the movie. i just feel so sorry for this guy, i feel it when his world is falling apart. and when we're walking over to marie calendar's, i'm talking to my mom and, just like that day after work, i burst into tears. this stress! it's horrible! then brent and i go to safeway, and the entire time, i'm in tears walking the aisles getting groceries with him. i've noticed that. when i'm happy, i'm really happy. when i'm not, i'm really not. all my emotions are to the extremes, and they bounce around like crazy. but yeah... it was good, because we talked, and he made me feel a lot better about how things are going, how they're going to go. it's nice. i think i'll make it through. i also think i'm going to put in a two week's notice at the aquatic center.


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