don't let the smell stop you

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

stone temple pilots - still remains

you... oh i wish you could hear this. tuey's bitching about this one time really long ago when her mom made her get a mary kay makeover. she was distraught. she hates makeup so much.
i ache all over. and i ate a whole pizza all by myself while watching law and order. after, i felt pregnant. i wrapped the blanket around me so no one would see, and quietly downed a bottle of water to help speed up the disgestion. remind me never to eat a whole pizza again. stick with lean cuisines.
my mother started sponging fabric softener on the walls today. i got angry with her for taking my job. this weekend is going to be great! get up early, peel wallpaper, work, run, sleep and do it all over again. no parents! and maybe i can convince scott to stay in seattle... hmm...
speaking of scott, he's buying me the first season friends dvds! i am on my way to owning them all. and everyone else - birthday on the 23rd! give me cool stuff!
so i am deadly tired now. i'm going to bed. school tomorrow, since my mother's response to the bomb threat is "if it actually happens, i'll miss you."


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