led zeppelin - immigrant song
so today was the first day of the crazy mixed-up schedule i get to have all year long. it was great! i'm thinking, just to be masochistic, that i'll take the morning cooking class at OSC too. get more cooking experience and all that. meanwhile the break between school every other day is going to make my life a lot easier - i realized i get something like an hour and a half to just kick back at home, eat and maybe sleep before i have to be anywhere.
today i used my break to go to the post office and buy shampoo at fred meyer.
decatur's not too bad, considering the whole one class i had today. it seems small, but in a nice way.
ahhh and then we have crew! fantastic, man, and to think i'm paying them to try to kill me. we ran something like 3 miles because we couldn't go out on the water (let me think... 3/4 of a mile times 5... shit that's actually almost 4 miles!) and then we got to do lots of lunges and jumps and squats and lines and stuff. and then we did hovers... only they called them something else... oh it was great. when i left a couple of guys were laying in the middle of the floor doing ab workouts with a medicine ball. i love crew. i cannot wait until we have 2 practices a day in the spring.
so i figured out what i'll do with david this weekend! we have to make masks that express our personalities for school. so i'll do the decorating thing by myself, but how fun will it be to slather each other's faces with vaseline and cover them in strips of plaster?? yeah, that's right. we're going to make a mess of his apartment.
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