e.w.i. - it's over
they sounded allright at the concert. i managed to get their demo for free by acting interested and broke (with $11 in my pocket for jack in the box later). the demo makes their vocals clearer, and it's just whiney punk junk. not too cool. it'll probably end up on the ceiling soon.
spent most of the day at steph's, helping her do online history while i reviewed for the ap test. parents called me up later to say i was grounded 'cause i skipped 5th (so it looks like next time i won't call to let them know what i'm up to.) i'm not exactly sure how i'm being grounded, since i still have to go to work and find my mother's day present and all that. i guess i'm just not allowed to run around and do whatever i want? fortunately my plans for the whole week include reading my ap prep book, and reading history packets.
slowly developing a taste in tacky hats. wearing the train hat today, noticed with some interest the winter beanie on the floor of my car (i think it's my dad's?) also considering pulling the purple hat off my cd rack. also jealous of my dad's fishing hat that scott was running around in earlier today. need more shorts and white t-shirts for the summer. remind me to hit up hot topic for the zim dvd when i get my paycheck.
i really need to throw out the empty diet coke cans collecting in my room. honest to god, i have no idea how they pile up so quickly. i swear they appear out of nowhere, and in the weirdest places too. my room's getting crowded, despite my efforts to empty it out. clothes piling up on the floor, and my pitiful attempt in making my room brighter resulted in a lamp stuck haphazardly in my bookshelf with the too-short cord stretched tightly over my chair. i did remove the second mattress, though, so my bed feels more cozy and less giant. a bird poo'd on my window this afternoon and i ingeniously got it off by spraying water on it through my bottle used for bleaching hair. listening to postal service non-stop, with the exception of that really really bad demo.
i need something new to talk about!!! i have nothing interesting! what, books? yeah, i've got six of them to get through before i can even start on that long list in my head. i'm dying for summer. parents are going to san juan islands in july, hopefully i can avoid that and enjoy some quality independance time.
i'd like some more fine-tipped white erase markers. black is getting old, and it doesn't show up on my windows very well.
hey! 17 in 20 days!
i'm thinking about piercing my ears again. summer seems like a good time to pierce new things.
and you know what i just realized? who the hell has my reservoir dogs dvd?!
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