don't let the smell stop you

Saturday, February 21, 2004

gorillaz - starshine

so then after i dropped liz of at work i read a book. and i got really really really bored reading that book. so i called tuey and i went to her house but it took her half an hour to get home, so i talked to her mom about their new kitchen. then she and brenda came home! and we sat around for a while before we went to al's music and i got almost famous, american beauty, gorillaz cd, and thursday cd. the clerk was really smart - he guessed right away that my abusive boyfriend pushes me down the stairs. then we went to denny's where we ate food, and talked about stupid things. it was much fun. then i went back to tuey's and took the tags off my stuff - brenda helped so that i would leave faster. so then i left. and now i'm at home where my parents still haven't gotten back and scott's out on a hot date. so i'm going to go back to my book now. bye!


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