don't let the smell stop you

Thursday, February 19, 2004

autopilot off - missing the innocence

i got to babysit my kids today!! i woke up bright and early to go play with them, and i had a great time. we played with a bunch of balloons, at one point jj was running around with all fourteen of them wrapped around his body - he was like this giant, red-heart covered monster. it took me forever to unwind all the strings. later i gave jj piggy back rides and tossed isaac around in the air and into the cushions. man, i love kids, especially wrestling with them. isaac would attach himself to my stomach while i was on the floor and jj would try to knock me over. they also made me wear a blanket and dance around the room with them while we watched barney. isaac was such a sweety when i left... he'll be two in may, he stood by the front door and blew me a kiss and said, "buh-bye chelsea!"
they sold their house yesterday. they're moving to california in march. it breaks my heart, to know that they'll never even vaguely remember me.
i came home all tuckered-out and showed tuey how to shampoo my carpets, then vegged out with a book while she did that. heh, i felt like such a slavedriving bitch, i loved it! anyway, tuey was freaking out ten million times over every time she hurt herself or came across a clump of dog hair. i just laughed. right before she left we got out my yearbook and looked up a couple people, and while i won't put up any names, there were interesting reactions each time. "the one that looks like a man?"
after she left liz came over, we sat around and didn't do much, although while i was driving her to work we saw the stalker dude heading into safeway.
work, well. i worked. duh.
i was laying in bed reading when my mom came in and started poking around in all my stuff... she found the bathing suites i got and was asking when i got them, where i got them, how i paid for them... i lied and avoided direct answers and she dropped it. and once again i'm reminded of why i hate having family members in my room.
i didn't get to run today, since i had to wake up so early for babysitting. but tomorrow liz and i will do it, and then i get to clean the bathroom before i work all night. oh! that reminds me! it was still kinda twilight-ish when i left work today, actually at 6 for once, so you know what that means, right? summer's coming! it will be officially official, though, in may. folk life festival. ohhh yeah.


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