don't let the smell stop you

Friday, December 17, 2004

healing moods - seasons of tranquility

healing moods: uplifting piano music and nature sounds (actually very energizing. not upbeat to a distraction, but not complete numbing white noise)
deep sleep: a calming blend of piano and guitar (haven't listened to it yet)
tropical oasis: escape to the rhythm of the rainforest (there's one part when a bird caws really loud... it scared me. i jumped.)
peaceful ocean: relax to the rhythms of the ocean (makes me want to pee)
peace of mind: a soothing selection of acoustic guitar (very latin feel)
quiet moments: a soulful blend of guitar and ocean (haven't listened to it yet)

pick up your copy of a body & soul cd at the local dollar tree! where everything's just one dollar!


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