eels - novacaine for the soul
crazy ass nap that was. felt all sick and gross so i came home, passed out for 5 hours. bad idea to sleep when you're not feeling good.
first part of the dream, awesome dragon guy holding out in a cave taking care of his dead girl's eggs. there are these little half-dragon creatures that keep him company while he sits alone in the cave. eventually my dream comes back to him and all the dragon eggs have hatched. the dragon's content and happy, surrounded by kids as big as him, and he snuggles down to sleep. one of the little half-dragons curls up next to him, and the baby dragon reaches out, slashes its stomach, and starts chowing down. wtf?! i was so freaked out, it was sudden and crazy, and the poor thing, it spent all its time comforting the dragon dad and that's what he gets.
that wasn't the part that really creeped me out, though. instead, there was this guy trying to make it as a CIA agent. he wouldn't really do much, just sit at a computer and chat with this one person who sort of creeped him out. he would spend all his time trying to find out who this person was, but nothing. his bosses would come to see what he'd been up to, and somehow he'd always manage to pull something up so his bosses believed he was working, being trained and all that. turns out he's in some kind of supernatural section of the CIA, because he's dragged down into a subway system to look for something. him and a few others are discreetly trying to find this... shadowy thing. it'll appear in the corner of your eye and then disappear as soon as you look for it. at the same time, there's a group of kids playing with a dog, waiting for the subway. as the subway come (but it's more like a trolley), the dog gets pushed into the tracks. it's okay though. everyone's freaking out, but the trolley-subway is slowing down and there's enough room for it to pass the dog. until a hand in a blue sweatshirt shoots out from under the bus and tosses food right into the tracks of the trolley. the dog goes running right in front of the wheels and gets crushed. the CIA guy is also wearing a blue sweatshirt.
at that point i freaked out, wrapped myself up in a bunch of blankets, and woke up. and so now i'm downloading the shrek 2 soundtrack.
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