don't let the smell stop you

Saturday, December 20, 2003

lucky boys confusion - hey driver

way back when in the olden days of legend, tuey and i were driving around and heard a song on the radio that was really really good. we couldn't remember any of the words to it except maybe two or three, or the tune, or anything like that. just that it was good.
luckily for me the very, exact moment i started my car this afternoon, that song started on the radio. i stopped the car, sat there with a little sticky note and pencil, and wrote down as many lyrics as i could fit. then i drove off, trying to keep hearing the song through the three other radio stations. and this is where i got really really angry! the song ended, the dj came on, i was pulling to a stop. i was completely ready to write down title and artist. "hey listeners, that song you just heard was..." and i stopped behind a car in one of those stupid spots, where the radio station is cut out and replaced by some easy-listening station that doesn't exist. i could've killed!!!!
but i still had my sticky note and when i got home i found the song. ta-da! lucky boys confusion, hey driver. it's good! it's just nowhere to be found to download on the internet. oh well.


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