hot water music - wayfarer
okay, screw every horrible semi-depressed melancholic thing i just said earlier. i am happy! super happy! beyond happiness into ecstatic!
there i was, about to haul out the trash in my room and start puttin stuff together for tomorrow, when brent stopped me to eat his guacamole chips and the phone rang. guess who? you'll never guess. never.
.... c'mon, guess....
william!! hahaha! yeah, so he and a couple friends were in tacoma, and they decided to stop by and he needed directions again. umm... yeah so i was surprised... i mean come on, i'm going down to see them all on sunday, and then they just pop up thursday night? well yeah, i was happy. duh. so they show up and michael (not kimbrough) was there, plus two new people, tony and greg. greg's attractive. tony's got nice muscles, 'cause i got to see him without a shirt. should i explain? i suppose i will.
first off, they stood around my kitchen. tony picked at the chicken i bought for dinner and ended up eating it all. then they explored my room, i spilled diet coke all over my history book, they liked my aol cd's. then greg found my hair dye and that brought up the bleach, and tony decided he wanted to bleach his hair. so that's what we did. and he took his shirt off to wash it out, and that's how i know he looks good without a shirt. anyway. greg showed me lots of pictures of people i don't know. i didn't talk to william too much. michael's cool too, he told me all about how he and greg are related. and yeah. after we washed out tony's bleach, we colored his hair with my sharpie rainbow to make it look like my slippers, which it does! i took pictures too. and then we spiked it into two mohawks, so he could really stand out. and... that's all. they left to go pick up... someone's brother. i don't remember who's.
and that is why i am extremely happy! you see, this is what my dear ol' long beach does to me. i get in this giddy exciteable mood where everything is just... great! because it is. really.
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