the postal service - such great heights
"that many had ventured farther and done so in finer style bothered me not. my journey was my own and I found it to be quite spectacular."
that painting's by markus pierson... worship, for that painting is godly.
today, i locked myself out of the house. while i was trying to get my dog to hurry up and come inside, i was slamming the sliding door shut to make it louder. and it locked behind me. so li'l old me got to walk (carefully!) through the backyard in my bare feet carrying a towel in the rain, because of that stupid dog. oddly enough, at this moment would be the first time i'd seen my neighbors in weeks.
i also went christmas shopping with jon. it was fun. =) i like jon, he's a wonderful person, everything about him is good. i don't think he's got a seriously cruel, manipulative bone in his body. it's an amazing thing to see in a person. i love spending time with him, and today was just another great day thanks to him!
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