don't let the smell stop you

Thursday, November 13, 2003

swingin' utters - next in line

blash, growing up really bites the dust. i think i should look into prozac.
today i worked. it really wasn't bad at all, and if it were always like this, i wouldn't be so determined to find a new job.
see, irene's been sick lately. and tonight i guess there was a diving meet, plus the big meet this weekend (state, i think). so she called in tasha so twice the slave labor could get done. it was so nice to finally talk while working... we pretty much dinked around and did all the work together rather than doing one job each. and it wasn't so bad! i mean sure, it was still work. but talking... you have no idea, really, how nice of a change it is to talk to someone instead of working in silence and isolation for so long. although the actual physical labor wasn't so bad, the three hours seemed a lot longer than usual... still not sure if that's good or bad, though.
anyway, i've done my homework (not math, though. too tired to bother with that.) my parents are off at a homegroup potlach, and i can't stop thinking about december. it's going to be so nice when they're gone... me and tuey having free reign of my house. sure they'll call in to check on us, but we can handle that. and yet... i can't help but think that it will only make my life harder. i'm already itching to get away from my parents. whenever they're home i can't concentrate, just hiding in my room or getting out of the house, so i can be away from them. (see? they just got home and now i have this incredible urge to get up and shut my door. it wasn't bothering me before.) i mean, they'll be encouraging me to be even more independant, to get even more attached to living by myself. well, okay, with tuey. but that hardly makes it any better. i mean, living on your own with your best friend, free to run around and invite people over? it'd be like going off to college, only in the comfort of my own home. i'm going to love that freedom, and it's going to kill me to lose it. but, well, i wouldn't give it up for anything, so i might as well just enjoy it when it comes. besides, i've got a month to prepare still!


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