don't let the smell stop you

Thursday, July 31, 2003

no song at this moment in time. punch drunk love is a strange movie.

so yesterday i was thinking, we've all changed a lot in these past couple years. i mean, if someone had come up to me in seventh grade and told me the following, i would've laughed right in their face. 1) brian would be an australian-accented chronic fiend. 2) evan would be a sexy hunk of man meat with no slick womanizing skills what-so-ever. 3) josh would become the ladies' man of the group. 4) anna and i wouldn't speak to each other after we left jr high. 5) tuey would become a bondage freak. 6) liz would be considered more normal than me. and there are probably a bunch of other strange things that have happened, but those are the most obvious. it makes me wonder where we'll be in just a few more years. i mean... we're juniors already. this year we'll be taking tests and turning in college applications and writing essays that count and we're already driving and working and getting paychecks. it's just... it's so strange. time passed so quickly. next thing i know i'll be in college wondering whatever happened to those people i hung out with all the time? and i'll be looking back on these days and either smiling or regretting the things i did but i can't possibly know what i'll think now. so i just have to try to make the choices i think i won't regret and hope that i get enough second chances.


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