don't let the smell stop you

Monday, April 07, 2003

last night w/ brandon was kickass. liz and steffen left after an hour or so of jumping on his trampoline and standing around his kitchen. so it was just me 'n brandon 'n his brothers for a couple hours. we played this party tournament video game on x-box, then watched all of 12 monkeys. ate pizza, drank pepsi, set christian (little brother) up with aim and email. checked out brandon's older brothers - they're gorgeous! came home around 8, spent the rest of the night talking to cole on the phone. steffen went up to seattle with my brothers, saw the u-district, went up to scott's dorm, saw a movie with them... it's really sad, but i'm really jealous of steffen. my brothers have never, in the 3 years scott has been gone, invited me to seattle with them. i've never seen scott's dorm. they find excuses when my parents even suggest they take me to a movie with them. it... it really hurts, knowing they'll take out a random german student, but they can't bring their little sister even once. brent says it's nothing personal, but that doesn't change the feeling of rejection i get.
anyway. today was great! got up bright and early, went up to seattle with the group. went to emp (boring!), and i did get a poster of our 'band', just 'cause they were good memories. ate at subway, got sam to buy me ice cream. went to pike place market, got christian (german student) hooked on honey sticks and video taped steffen and sam dancing on the sidewalk for money. then went back to west lake center, browsed the stores (so wanted to buy something from fossil, didn't have enough money tho), but didn't really have enough money to buy what i wanted. earlier tho i was teasing sam about abercrombie and fitch (he was complaining about how i have him pegged into a classification). so he said he'd pay $10 for a shirt if i found one at abercrombie that i liked. now, the only reason i don't ever shop there is 'cause i have no money, so that was perfect! we ran over (and he admitted that, yes, he does have clothes from abercrombie and fitch! i knew it! ha!), browsed real quick-like, got scared of the police officer, and ended up buying a shirt. i have $2 left, and it's supposed to pay for my lunch tomorrow too. oops. oh well. it's a cute shirt, the cashier was gorgeous and i got another bag to put on my wall. drove back to decatur with sam's family, and later tonight we're all going over to his house. and! even better! soon as i got home, phone rang and "matt from the beach" called, confused me beyond belief. accused me of having his necklace, i had no clue who it was, until it clicked, matt bonney! yeah! so matt called and we talked for about half an hour, then he had to go out to dinner. he's leaving in september, so i promised him 2 days with him before he leaves. i miss him! it was so awesome hearing from him again.
anyway. need to go off and do something, quick-like. i'm getting bored.


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