long, boring, and oddly satisfying day.
spent the whole of german class talking w/ sam, charles, and stephanie. we're all psyched about the germans coming, so we didn't bother trying to learn. it was the weirdest thing, though... we turned around at one point, and the whole class was gone. seriously. olga and sean and kristin and martin and mrs. reed and everyone was gone! and they never came back. well okay, reed did a couple times, but still. it was weird. fun, too.
i got a ride home from sam again. for the first time, i feel bad asking for a ride from someone. so, from now on, it's all walking, all the time. unless he offers again.
it was dan's birthday today! i gave him a card (2 out of every 1 million birthday parties ends in complete nudity...), 'cause y'know, i told him i would. it was really sad though, he didn't tell anybody, so no one knew! and since i had a ton of energy when i get home, i had to do something about that. i had to! so. that's right. i bought him a slurpee! aren't i nice? that boy should really feel special, seriously. i rarely ever buy something for someone else. but it was fun, too, and it wasn't even $3, so it's okay.
and! guess what! we got a new car tonight! it's cute. a little 2-door 5-speed honda civic, 1995. 70,000 miles. now, i hate civics, but i think i could get to like this one. it's teal. it looks like a little girl's car. (you see where i'm going with this?) no, it's not mine. sad, i know. instead, it's for my dad, and i get to drive the old fogey buick. and i've been pretty upset about this since they broke it to me, an hour before they bought it.
see, the oldsmobile costs too much money to repair. so my dad's just going to let it die, then try to sell it. we'll still have it for a little longer, but i don't think i'll ever get the chance to drive it.
anyway, back to the civic. i was upset, yes, i hate the buick. but brent made me feel better. apparently when my dad bought the olds, he told everyone it was his car and we got to drive the buick. and that's how it worked, for about a month. and then he didn't like the olds and decided to drive the buick instead. so brent's been driving the olds since sophomore year, when my dad swore he would never drive it. ever.
so the way brent figures it, i'll probably get the civic a few months after i get my license. so, i'm aiming for around christmas. maybe this all doesn't make too much sense to you, i mean, why would my dad give up a like-new civic for an old lady car buick? here's a quote: "it's an old fogey car. dad's an old fogey too, and he'll want to drive an old fogey car, even if he won't admit it."
now, my mission is this: learn to drive a stick shift!
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