our lady peace - story about a girl
bad start in the morning. dad asked me how i was doing. woe-is-me phase starts. got to school and cheered up when i found jeff. first period wasn't too bad, in the i'm-way-too-tired to move kind of way. as hard as all this work is, though, i get a good, satisfied feeling when i'm done. marketing, let's see... first lunch with jeff (good golly, pretty much every highlight of the day seems to involve him now!), and i got to work one of the registers in the student store during second and third lunches. in anatomy, donovan had this card trick, it's like asking the magic 8 ball. i agree with the results from the first question, disagree with the second, and agree with the third but i hope it's wrong. the third? am i going to have to quit my job? anyway, after school, felt like shit! and jeff was wonderful, just let me kinda sleep against his chest with his arm around me while we stood around for my brother to come pick me up.
brent... now that's something different. no sympathy from him this time. he was still bitter about last night (among other things) and i was still sensitive about last night (among other things). so he was yelling and i just sat there and took it and it was the second time in a week i walked around safeway crying. this is a bad habit i'm getting into! all this crying and stuff. it makes me seem all weak and sensitive and stuff. damn stress! anyway, he felt bad after a while, even though i wasn't trying to pull a guilt trip or anything. i couldn't really help it. what, you think i wanted to be crying in public? so yeah, i cheered up in a little bit by talking about jeff and i got a red bull, too. drank that while he drove me to work and by the time i got there, i felt better. ugh, hard work today! most of it wasn't bad at all, but then i had to scrub all the paint on the stairs down to the locker rooms. so basically, i sat with a towel and cleaner and scrubbed all the vertical parts of the stairs. at one point someone behind me was like, "scrub scrub scrub!" and it surprised me 'cause everyone else was being sympathetic. so i look up, and look at that, it was nate! from illahee. i was like, oh, hey, i know you! but hell if i had the energy to say anything else, so i just kinda sat there looking dumbly up at him, and he was like, "yeah, you do.. my name's nate." i guess he thought i'd forgot. oh well. his parents were all pissy and said they didn't have any time to waste chatting, so off he went, just like that. he's got facial hair now.
after work, while i was waiting for my dad to pick me up, i checked my messages and guess what! tuey's going to try to get back into decatur this year! her mom's already emailed the principal, and i'm going to hit up baker to help out a good cause. i'm also going to talk to brandon and jeff about convincing bressler to put in a good word for her, too. but, hurray! i might get my friend back! i won't be wandering alone in masses of people i know but don't really have anything to say to! haha. nah, it's not really that bad, but i do miss having her around. all the bunches of people just can't add up to one person i know and trust completely.
so, i was thinking i would sleep when i got home, but this piece of good news has completely woken me up, so that's out of the question. i went to get the mail and it started raining! and when i got there, i got a letter from matt! oh, sad, i just read it... he's being sent home for fraudulent enlistment. the bastards! matt's not a liar, and he's going to fight it as much as he can. i know he will. he loves being part of the military and if the air force won't take him, he wants to try the navy. he won't let them mess that up for him. i'm going to write him back, then it's off to the books i go. hopefully i can be in bed before 10 - i fully intend to be sleeping like a little baby by then.
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