don't let the smell stop you

Friday, September 19, 2003

audio karate - betrayed

you know, school's a huge part of the day. 6 whole hours, first thing, all that thinking and working, it's what i do all that homework for... and yet, by the time i get to writing in this thing, i've completely forgotten what happened. or at least, i have to think pretty hard to remember.
early morning, i went and turned in my order form for my stuff in marketing, and gave her my permission slip for the conference and all that. i was still really tired and bitter that i had to wake up. oh well.
in math, i understood what he was teaching us. we had a quiz and i think i aced it! these are all good signs. hard work pays off. weight training, um, did lots of leg stuff so those muscles hurt. jeff got me with the chalk (again). i love weight training. we screw around and work out and just... it's fun. it's my chance to complete the whole thing, and make myself tired physically too. but yeah, if tuey gets back into decatur (and she's already on the waiting list!), then school's really going to pick up. it's gonna be good. history, again, i understood what was going on! i got a way better score on my essay than i thought i would, and just... yeah. things are starting to feel good.
got a ride home from josh. when brent was driving me to work, i first had to mail a letter to matt, so as i'm walking toward the mail box, brent pulls out and drives off in the other direction. i was confused... and even more when he didn't come back. well, he did eventually. the meeting wasn't too bad, just some updates about what's going on and such. when we split up into little sections, irene really had nothing for us pool attendants to go over, so we went down into the viewing tunnel and looked at the decorations for the halloween swim thing. that thing is going to be sooo much fun to work at, especially if i get to be in the tunnel! it's going to be set up as, well, a haunted tunnel basically. and we'll get to pop out and scare the little kiddies. anyway, we stood forever by the dive tank, watching people bust through the surface and such. watching from under water is completely different from watching from above. when you're watching people swim, you can still see them when they're under the water. from below, it's completely different. there's no warning that something's going to change. it's really addictive, too. boomer said it - "it's like watching the polar bears at the zoo!"
after! did some phone calls and tuey picked me up from the center, and drove me to brandon's. we didn't really do anything over there, but it was still really fun. like the old days. terry showed me a card trick, to play on drunk people and win money off them. i think i remember how it goes... remind me to practice in a little bit. anyway, i was sitting on the ground and jeff reaches over and just kinda taps me... and i fell over... it was really sad. ha, jeff is so fun! it's like, you know how i'm abusive and stuff? well so is he! we'll just irritate the hell out of each other, fooling around and trying to bug the other person worse. i love it. it's just fun and relaxed and every time i look at him i just have to get this goofy grin on my face. morgan noticed in weight training today. i was just watching him and she's like, what are you laughing at? and i couldn't explain it. everything about him just makes me happy, like all that stress and stuff just washes away and i have to laugh, not 'cause of anything specific, he just makes me feel that good inside.
it was also kinda cool when logan came up 'n gave me a big ol' hug today, then climbed into my lap and just sat there hugging me. he's such a cute little kid! tho it did get kind annoying after a while.
i don't really feel like writing anything else now, though. even though there's still a lot to say, i'm going to go off into that little happy coma i seem to spend so much time in these days.


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