don't let the smell stop you

Thursday, December 30, 2004

jack johnson - on and on

i like having a play-by-play of my life. it helps me remember what i've done... i don't want to forget.
it's 3:30 in the afternoon. trust me, today is not done yet. however, it's been good enough so far that i have to write it down.

fender bender number three! keep 'em coming, baby!

so here's how it goes: wake up call at 9 from ellie, because i wanted her to. except i'd been having this fantastic dream about the boy of my dreams (makes sense, huh?) and i felt really really good. he was sweet and outgoing and had brown hair and blue eyes. oh baby. anyway, so i woke up, but my bed was a cocoon of warmth because i'd left my window open all night. it felt good.
so i put on some slippers, brushed my teeth and over to ellie's! it was really cool while i was driving over there. i was still sleepy, too lazy to wear my seatbelt or defog the windows. so i just let the car kinda drift through the neighborhood. i didn't stop at any stop signs because i had my slippered feet tucked under me to keep them warm. so i rolled into her driveway and parked and ran inside where it was warmer.
i love her, by the way. this morning was the way i want to start every day. we gave ourselves a spa facial, but the mud mask is supposed to sit for a while, so... we left it on, put on some patsy kline (i think? it was some old classic singer with this gorgeous voice singing about men who break women's hearts and how much she loves them anyway.) and we made spritz cookies! we drank chai teas and watched her short asian neighbor disappear behind the fence. i tried on her new boots, which kick so much ass that i think i'm going to steal them. i put her goodwill skirt up around my boobs and it looked fantastic! so we're going to sew it up a little bit and make it into a strapless dress that i can wear to folklife.
anyway.. it was just this beautiful morning. we're walking around with green faces in our pajamas, we stank like you wouldn't believe, this beautiful voice crooning to us about love.. such a girly thing to do. it's gotten me into this indestructable mood. i'm invincible! nothing can take this feeling down.
so i went home and took a shower. then i grabbed liz again and we went all out jean shopping at old navy and american eagle... except i only bought one pair. which is cool. and i got new gloves! plus some other random items from the mall. and we saw john working at aunty anne's and got invited to a get-together this evening.
and then! as i'm going to drop liz off at safeway so she can work, BAMS! i get rear-ended by some crazy old woman, and there's a four-car pile up because she was going so damn fast. ellie's got whiplash, i've got a headache, we're all stopped in the middle of 320th at a red light. so i jump out and tell them all to meet at the safeway parking lot (no one was damaged all that bad.) and we stood around exchanging information while we waited for the cop to come.
by the way, julian pissed me off. he was the last car to get hit, had almost no damage at all, and clearly wanted to leave. i asked him to call 411 on his cell phone to get the police over there (one of the old ladies was using mine to call her husband). and he starts messing around with some kind of calculator thing. i'm like "hey... just call 411? do you have a cell phone?" and he ignores me. but i'm talking to him later and he's the regional manager for cingular wireless. asshole. and as i was driving away he was on his cell phone. someone doesn't like giving up his minutes for charity. so liz called the cops instead. and they came. and poor pon. he was the officer. he looked so bored to be dealing with a stupid car crash. oh well.
anyway, so now i'm home and i just ate pizza. and i'm going to go sell some cd's to al, then come home again and maybe fill out that border's application. because i'm going to work there.


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