don't let the smell stop you

Saturday, June 19, 2004

local h - bound for the floor

okay, so the usual people who read this have already heard the story, but my ass is bruised and i feel like sharing the reason.
it was a bright and early saturday morning, i was up and at it by 8 am. there was a lovely inservice at work, about 5 or 6 hours long, but of course we didn't leave when it was over. hell no! half the staff stuck around to play in the water, which was fun. i got my two-week requirements all done, and we jumped off all the platforms. this is where my bruised butt comes in. i jumped off the 10 meter (which is what, 30 feet? something like that.) it was scary as all hell! it took me forever to work up the nerve to go, and i think i landed a little wrong, because my ass has been hurting all day since. i'm not going to be doing that again for a while. i can handle the 7 meter, and the 5 meter, but 10 meters is pushing it... anyway, it was fun. and then after i went to brenda's, and we played with paint balls! curtis was down in the yard and we stood up on the deck, getting the paintballs wet and squishing the paint into the grass below, while he picked up the ones we dropped and chucked them at us. it was so fun, although of course i splattered paint all over myself.


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