mighty mighty bosstones - numbered days
ohhh, la de da, happy day... finally had weight training with my bestest buddy in the whole wide world, tuey, and oh it was lovely. nothing especially exciting. it was just really nice to finally have someone i know in the same room.
soooo after school i went over to liz's with jeff, and we sat around in her room and listened to music for two hours without saying much of anything. liz told him her life story, i'm not sure how he took it.
after, we went grocery shopping and i grabbed all sorts of random shit, frosting and different boxes of corn crackles, etc. parents were thrilled with the responsibility i've been showing lately. silly kids.
carved my pumpkin tonight, it doesn't look very good, but then again, i'm not very creative. it's cool though, i like it anyway. it's basically a bunch of rectangles that make a smiley face.
scott's home, and as much as i want to go out and spend the night talking to him, come back maybe around 3 am... i've got school tomorrow, then work and babysitting, and i need to get at least a little sleep, plus maybe do my homework eventually. but probably not.
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