don't let the smell stop you

Sunday, October 26, 2003

maxeen - soleil

it's only 6? crazy! i don't think i'll be able to manage another 4 hours before i fall asleep.
today's been productive. woke up, read a book. went to church (amazing sermon today, about how the bad things in life often work into a bigger picture). came home and went to jeff's 'cause i felt like it, helped him paint his house for about 45 minutes, then went home. mother and i cleaned up a house (some friends of hers just moved out) and got wendy's drive-thru. now i'm in my pj's and ready to call it a day, but i still have a couple hundred things i still need to do.
however, it was a good day! i really enjoyed seeing jeff today. he was covered head to toe in paint, and i would've killed for a camera. he complains a lot about his family, but they seemed to get along pretty well. running around attacking each other with paint and everything.
my parents are getting more and more serious about putting peabody to sleep. i have a feeling he'll be gone in a couple months. the thought's really depressing. our house is empty enough, with brent gone. i miss my brother insanely, not having anyone to talk to or joke around with. at least peabody adds a sense that there's someone else in the house. i don't know, my parents don't really seem to count. with peabody gone, the house will just be empty. my house will be like liz's or evan's, which, no offense to them, have always seemed eerily empty. i mean, i've grown up with older brothers always around, and while it's nice to be home alone sometimes, it's also incredibly lonely compared to what i've been used to.
but, to get to the point, i'm jealous of jeff. he's got his family. even if they don't always get along, and i'm sure he probably gets irritated with how cramped it is, being completely alone isn't much of a trip either.


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