briggs - bored teenager
i started the night with $82. i have $5 left. you have no idea. this was one of the best days i have had in a very long time!
where to start, really? i had a dream someone stole my purse that ended with 3 animals combining to make a b-rated killer snake movie. around 11 i went off and got jonny boy, and we went to tuey's and followed her mom to jack's (!!) and made an appointment for monday (!!) and then went and ate at taco bell. at 2 we made it to shoreline, but cole's mom wouldn't let us stick around so we drove around for a while and met cole when he got home from school at 2:30. we went to the beach!
i finally believe cole about his beach being the most beautiful, best beach ever. now, it's not like long beach with the endless sands and waves and wind and rolling dunes and absolute freedom. it's more of the typical seattle rocky beach, but also extremely beautiful - sandy and covered in white driftwood, with expensive houses at the top of steep hills looking out over the little bay. there's an awesome waterfall across the train tracks, and we climbed a rope to get into a little cliff-side thing where the waterfall is. you can follow it back for quite a ways. i carved my name into the side of the little cranny and we climbed back down. that doesn't do any justice to the absolute beauty of the whole place, though. basically, over spring break i'm hauling ass to shoreline as much as i can, just so i can sit on the beach.
on our way to the graceland i almost killed the family - i was looking at a guy in the car next to us and didn't notice the car in front of us slamming on the breaks. jon: "i was sleeping until i was rudely thrown forward." haha. it was funny.
at the concert! okay, we were only there for about 4 hours (4:30-8:30), but concerts always seem longer. it's like a different world. the cigarette smoke is clogging the air, but it doesn't take long for your lungs and nose to adapt and breathe it in like fresh mountain air. the bands were all amazing - i only went into the pit during the briggs, not because their pit was tamer than the rest, but it was the only band i was willing to risk death for. this was a scary-ass punk scene, i'd never seen so many mohawks in the same room before in my life! the pit was murder, but fun. during the briggs i crashed around for a few songs before i shoved my way forward and got wedged between the stage and a monstrously fat guy. so i stayed there and had a perfect view of the band for the rest of the time, and i loved it!
got lots of merch. jon stole a sweatshirt that didn't fit him, so now i have a new punk sweatshirt, covered in patches and safety pins and all sorts of goodies.
back in shoreline cole made us a pizza at his work! it was cool. we took it home and tried to eat it, and it was ungodly good except all the toppings kept sliding off. we watched a few episodes of aqua team hunger force, and holy... that show is insane. i love it!
the drive home was beautiful. everyone fell asleep, i had my briggs cd playing with my little tape adapter, and there was fog collecting on the freeway. it's hard to describe, but i'm sure everyone has experienced that late-night driving feeling. like the world is endless.
and to top it all off, i got a little plastic toy tank.
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