don't let the smell stop you

Friday, January 09, 2004

thrice - so strange i remember you

my english teacher had us read this really creepy article. i don't think anyone else caught it. but it gave me chills, how accurate it is.
"The problem with the casual sex so fashionable in films is not that it arouses lust but that it deadens feelings and annihilates privacy. The danger is not that sexual exploitation will create sex fiends but that it may spawn eunuchs. People who have the habit of seeing everything and doing anything run the risk of feeling nothing."
feeling nothing... yeah, sounds close. sounds dead-on, actually. i showed it to liz and she agrees with me. some people might think our generation's too sensitive, what with depression and violence in our schools and all that. but from my point of view? we're all so close together, around each other every day, with our close friends and our acquaintances and just... everything. we'll talk to a complete stranger about anything, and sure it may seem bold, but really... it's because no one cares.
maybe it's just me. but even if it is just me, that article scared me. sometimes it feels like that's what i'm becoming... an emotional eunuch.
see, right now. my mom came in and started talking to me about how nice it was i cleaned the kitchen, gee golly elaina and i sure look alike, would you like to run out and buy some dinner? and... i don't care. it doesn't matter. no, i suppose elaina doesn't ever look happy. maybe i do have a better mouth than her. funny, i was craving burgers so badly earlier, and now that i'm getting money to get some, i want to crawl into bed and forget about everything. i want to go out with friends and laugh and have a good time and i can't because i don't think it's possible right now. so instead i'll probably end up running countless errands, driving around, grocery shopping maybe, nameless and completely forgettable, sharing nothing with anyone. sometimes i like being independant. other times, it scares me. right now i think i'm almost scared.


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