don't let the smell stop you

Tuesday, May 13, 2003

i was thinking while i was brushing my teeth this morning, emotions are a lot like little kids. you can try to ignore them, but they're always in the background wreaking havoc and running rampant and destroying things while they're unsupervised. you can try to reason with them, but they just shut you out and yell "no no no no no!!!" and do whatever they want. they're selfish and spoiled and they ruin every good moment.
other than that, today was a pretty damn good day. still having personal issues, always will be until it either stops or goes somewhere. but life's been good. saw friends at school, made it through driver's ed, went kickboxing and drowned in the sauna. parents took off, won't be home til way late tonight, so got to yell and scream and laugh and fight with brent without anyone telling us to shut up or calm down.


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