don't let the smell stop you

Sunday, May 11, 2003

i really hate how i always talk about what i've done. but, well, that's what i'm thinking about. so live with it.
last night i was supposed to go see x2 with brandon and tommy. didn't, though, because tommy had to babysit. so i was sitting around bored out of my mind. sarah was having the same problem as me, so we got up off our butts and managed to get out and see a movie. she borrowed her dad's huge red industrial van (i love it!! it's so cool. she hates it though) and we drove down to auburn to see daddy daycare. cute movie! so anyway we were hungry after that, and we went to the drive-thru for wendy's. sarah was really embarrassed about her van, so i was making it worse for her by waving at all the people around us. the guys in the van behind us started waving back, and she tweaked out. so when we parked and they pulled up next to us, she drove across the parking lot to get away. one of the guys got out and walked over to us, asked if i went to his church (i do, but i don't remember who he is), then walked away. they flipped us off when they drove away. so. funny!
also, when i was giving sarah directions, i told her to watch out for all the cars and kids. 'cause y'know, during the evening there are always a bunch of people outside, getting home from work or talking to neighbors or little kids running around playing ball. but it was about 9:30 by the time sarah picked me up, so they were all gone. only, garet was having a party, and about 50 people were crowded outside in the street in front of his house. so we were laughing for about 10 minutes straight about the "crowds of kids" that sarah was supposed to watch out for.
i can't find the little dipper! i used to be able to, i know, i remember. i just can't find it anymore.
strange dreams last night. not exactly sure how they went, but there was some issue about my school id.


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