don't let the smell stop you

Monday, April 28, 2003

i always get annoyed when all i ever hear from people is "my boyfriend this" or "my girlfriend that". it gets to the point where i want to scream, begging the person if they have any life outside their significant other. but you know, it's understandable, how people will talk so much about one person. when you spend most of your time talking to someone, spending time with them, thinking about them... well, it's natural that all your thoughts are going to go to them first.
what brought this on? well, i was just noticing how my thoughts go through trends. whether it was michael, my brother leaving, or brandon's house. if i'm spending a long time thinking about or dealing with an issue, that's what i'm going to put up here. and for me, at least, it takes more than just a day to get over something. sometimes days, sometimes weeks, rarely months though.

you know, i stopped and went to watch a movie, then came back and remembered i was writing. i forgot what my point was going to be, though. maybe you can figure it out.
i'm happy, i really am. obviously. i've got my friend back, my friend who calls when i don't want her to and bothers me constantly to get out and do something. i missed her. i think i've said that before.
and, well, it's also nice to know things can only get better from here.


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