don't let the smell stop you

Sunday, March 09, 2003

saw how to lose a guy in 10 days with my mom, went grocery shopping, then to michael's.
not a too busy day, but still fun.
i like doing things with my mom. i don't know if she has a whole lot of fun with me, but i do. it's nice having at least one person in my family that will actually go out in public with me.
learned an interesting story today. my grandma i guess was an absolute, drop-dead, knock-out gorgeous woman when she was younger. beautiful. so were her two sisters, who's names i don't remember. but, her last sister, margaret, was hideous. but there's a good reason. her dad (my great-grandfather) contracted syphilis after the first three girls were born. (aka he cheated on his wife, the dirty bastard). he gave it to his wife, and the baby margaret got it too when she was conceived. so... do you know what kids affected by syphilis look like? they get lumps and disfigured faces and all sorts of things. poor margaret... i've never seen a picture of her, but what a horrible way to be born. fortunately her mind was fine, but still...
sad story. and completely unexpected. see, my grandma and grandpa are missionaries. i always figured they came from perfect christian lives. guess not, huh?
oh well, doesn't really matter much. it's just something interesting to find out.


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