don't let the smell stop you

Thursday, April 08, 2004

social distortion - story of my life

right after the lifeguarding thing. my eyes were full of chlorine, dried out and red. i went to the library and stumbled around for a few minutes, talked to neko for a while. came home and passed out, woke up 5 hours later freezing my butt off because i forgot to shut my window. and now there's no chance in hell i'll make it back to sleep.
pictures of you and i, they always make me smile, even at the worst of moments.
unsung zeros. high-pitched squeely singer, but the lyrics are pretty.
it is really really cold in my room. just so you know. i went downstairs, and when i came back up and opened my door, a waft of cold air blew in my face, and you could feel the air seeping into the hall.


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