don't let the smell stop you

Sunday, June 01, 2003

okay, i got it now.
today tuey, after we both got home and were on the internet, asked me if i felt like she's moving in on my territory.
and, honestly, it does. but it's not a bad thing! i'm really glad we've got some friends in common now. it means, definitely, we'll be spending a lot of time together this summer. and next year, when she goes to beamer, i'll still see her. it's insurance that we won't lose touch. and if that means i have to deal with a little jealousy now and then, fine. it's worth it. besides, brandon isn't mine. neither is tommy. i have no claim over either of them. who am i to get all weird over them having friends? so sure, tuey's mooching in on my friends, brandon's little brothers like her too and she and brandon seem to have more in common. that's fine. just as long as they don't start leaving me out!


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