haven't done any homework. oops.
spent the day bumming around brandon's house, again. his ice tastes funny. tuey brought slc punk, tommy came over an hour or two before we left.
still can't wait for next weekend! or the summer, for that matter.
this is hard. i have so much to say, and i can never remember it.
scott put the idea in my head about going to an east coast school. i like it. i never considered it before. my parents have always been saying that i can't go out of state, we can't afford it. but scott's right. there are a lot of scholarships out there. and maybe a loan isn't the best option, but if it works, it works. i'm apprehensive about the whole idea. i mean, not go to college in seattle? not douse myself in the whole seattle city life culture? sure i could go to another city, but i've always seen seattle when i think of 'cities'. but then.. east coast.. it's where all the good bands are. it's... confusing. and it's also an idea. i'll think about it. i've still got a while.
i really hope i don't have to present tomorrow.
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