good stuff! good stuff all around, you've no idea.
last night, went over to martin's, then kristin's, watched cruel intentions and just had fun. didn't go in the hot tub, but that's okay, no big loss.
today was just great. nearly killed myself during chemistry. saw my nearest and dearest friends in the halls, sat through presentations in the library with sam and steph mo. tia, i love her, made me feel great today by just being nice and friendly and caring and generous. she's the kind of nice person i want to be like. history was pretty boring too, tried working on my research paper but that didn't really work. mostly just talked to tobias and sharon and alan, my new best friends. not really. but i love them.
anyway driver's ed sucked ass, anything new there? nope, not really. got out a little bit early and walked home, which felt good.
came in right as steffen was finishing the ring. i swear, not even a minute after the movie cut out to static (ended) (all we had time to say was how much we hate/love that movie), the phone rang. steffen freaked and begged me not to pick up, so of course i did. "hallo, hier ist christian! is steffen there?" perfect timing! i love christian just for that. i told steffen it was for him, and he started trying to run away and everything. it was hilarious!
anyway we went over to sam's to eat dinner, me steffen christian sam's mom and sam's stepdad, sam was working. good food, lemme tell ya. later we walked over to qfc and talked to sam, came back and just messed around his house. laughed my ass off watching sam singing along with guns 'n roses.
and so now i'm talkin to 3 of the greatest people i could possibly be talking to right now, tysson dan and nick. this day's been amazing.
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