crosby, stills, nash and young - woodstock
i went through rob's cd case at work... if you could judge a person based simply on their taste in music, i'd say rob is the most perfect, fantastic, wonderful guy around. incapable of doing any wrong. now, in reality, rob's an asshole. funny and never serious, but in the asshole kind of way. he's cool, but it'd be hard to get to know the guy.
my mom and i watched gilmore girls together for the first time since... well, pretty much since school started again. we were watching, laughing, arguing about different parts, discussing character traits and musing over certain plot developements. i love getting along with her like that.
i really need to get away from here, though. brent was just telling me about how he spent 420 - jumping on rocks in a river surrounded by waterfalls. it doesn't get much more perfect than that, does it? maybe western wouldn't be so bad. maybe i can find some antidepressants and take them with me for the wintertime.
i think i'm going to put my nail polish remover into a new bottle. like, say, one of the jones soda bottles sitting around my room. that way there'll be less chance of someone taking a swig of my "root beer".
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